
Kate Larson loves using fiber arts as a bridge between her passions for art and agriculture. Her fiber journey has led to a degree in soil chemistry, travels through northern Europe, handspinning workshops across the United States, and the editor’s seat at Spin Off Magazine. She keeps a flock of Border Leicester sheep on her Indiana farm. Kate is the author of The Practical Spinner’s Guide: Wool (Interweave, 2015) and several videos, including How to Spin Yarn to Knit (Interweave, 2016) and How to Spin on a Charkha (Long Thread Media, 2022). Her articles and designs have appeared in Spin-Off, Jane Austen KnitsEnchanted KnitsKnitting Sweaters from Around the World, and more.

Workshop Schedule

Photo: Maggie Smith.

Kate spends (too) much of her time with her flock of Border Leicesters. As you can see, they don’t mind the extra attention.

8 responses to “About”

  1. I love catching up with you here. It makes my heart smile to know you’re doing what you love back where we grew up…so many fond memories.

    1. Leah! So good to hear from you. I hope you and your family are doing well.

  2. Dear Kate – thanks again for a wonderful class at Arrowmont last weekend. I am inspired and encouraged. Can’t seem to find you or Julie on FB due to the vast number of people with your same names, but I’ll keep trying.

    1. I just found you on Facebook and sent a friend request. It was great to meet you! I really enjoyed our weekend at Arrowmont. Hope to see you again sometime!

  3. Hi Kate, I just wanted to say thank you for judging the skein competition at the Great Lakes Fiber Show again. I always learn so much from your judging! Thanks, too, for your comments on my flax skein. It was my 1st time spinning flax and I will definitely practice for next year! Btw, do you have a page on FB? Take care, Kim

    1. Hi Kim, I’m glad you found my website. I hope you enter the skein competition again next year–you did a great job! And I’m also happy to hear that you enjoyed the open judging. There is a link to my Facebook page on the Contact page above. If you can’t find it, just send me an email. Cheers!

  4. Hi kate! Are you in Pendleotn Indiana? I have been wanting to join a knitting club forever (one of my bucket lists). I hope you are!! Started knitting long time ago and have fallen off the wagon. My grandmother who lived in NORWAY said if you are going to knit than you have to start with socks first. I did but that was before kids marriage divorce etc. long time. I work full time but still the desire to knit has never left me. Hope to hear from you soon and I hope you are in pendleton Indiana. I couldnt tell. Thanks❤️

    1. Hi Teresa!
      I live in the Muncie area, but teach several classes each month at the Trading Post just outside of Pendleton, Indiana. We have a great group of spinners, knitters, and weavers who always welcome new folks. To check the schedule, look under the Workshop tab at the top of the page and click on local classes. If you have questions, just drop me a line: katelarsontextiles@gmail.com.
      Thanks! Kate.

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